Saturday, February 6, 2010

Walking & Stopping

In the movie Dave there is a great scene with a tour guide in the White House. She leads the group, saying, "We're walking... and we're walking. And we're stopping. And on your right is..."

This morning I read Ps 27:14
14 Wait on the LORD;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!

At times God calls us to wait. Sometimes I think I know why. More frequently I haven't a clue. The story of the Israelites is helpful. We see, in hindsight, God sent Jacob and his eleven sons to Egypt purposefully (Genesis 46). There, the Israelites grew as a large nation under the protection of the Egyptian government. At precisely the right moment, God rescued them, parting seas and whatnot to make it happen.

Here's to courage during the wait, and hope for the future!


  1. Amen Laura. And one of the most important lessons to learn from the waiting is to be content where you are now.

  2. Thanks Susan! I'd adore your prayers :-)
