Friends have recently been following a Cross Fit training program and other friends at church have said, "Oh I'd love to learn about Cross Fit too, can you help me?"
Long story short, and before I knew it, I asked to be included in the this little fitness group.
"I'm auditing," I said thinking this was a clever way to be involved without a firm commitment on my part.
Day One. I got the email describing the first workout, it was only about ten minutes! Oh gosh, thought I, no problem! So I did it. It took just under ten minutes actually, some short runs and some squats. Cool! Short & to the point. And the next day felt a little sore but not bad. Maybe - just maybe - I would finally have some sort of exercise in my life on a regular basis.
Day Two. The second day's workout, coming to me via email from my faithful friend, looked a bit more difficult. Sit ups and push ups and squats and the like.... Still only ten minutes, though, so I figured how hard could ten minutes be? Turns out, full sit ups (nope, no crunches) are difficult! The next day my stomach muscles were sore! But in my office "sit-at-a-desk, sit-in-meetings" job this wasn't a big deal.
Day Three. WOD (Workout Of the Day) email read "200 walking lunges" rather innocently. How hard could it really be after the onslaught of sit ups? I walk a lot around New York City, I'm pretty tough, thought I. Heck, I even used to dance, that all should help. I'll keep a good pretty form and that will help. The first 20 lunges felt great! At 60, my legs were starting to burn. At about lunge #114 I thought I was crazy. At #182 I lost track of all else and just was counting and moving, counting and moving. By the time I hit the goal - 200 - I stopped. And sat on the floor.
Day Four. No Workout today, it was a rest day.
Day Five. My boss was in NY from California. Going from one meeting to another together, we walked down flight of stairs. Or rather, he walked, and I hobbled. It was bad enough, I felt I needed to explain myself. "Sorry, I'll be right behind you, you see I started doing these little workouts...."