Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Card on my Desk

Cracks me up every time I see it.

When God opens a window, well, it may be startling.

But it's always good.
Ps 92:15 There is no unrighteousness in Him.


On Tuesday morning I got a text from a friend:

"Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you have a great day! :)"

It was the anniversary of when I started at my job, ten years ago.

In 2001 there were dot-coms that were going belly-up left, right and center. In fact, 11 years ago I worked for a dot-com that did just that, closing its doors of its New York office on December 29 because they couldn't pay January rent. The stock options from that firm were worth less than the paper they were printed on. At our church's White Elephant Christmas gift exchange someone put in their options from this defunct firm - something he'd been given but didn't want!

It was at this time, January of 2001 - in a landscape littered with dot-com corpses - a friend at church told me about a job opportunity. Another dot-com. Sigh. But, I got some advice and ultimately thought this would be a good "day job" while pursuing my own professional organizing business. So I began talking to this technology company that was based in Silicon Valley and starting up its New York sales office. And I didn't get too excited. In fact, when I was offered the job, and they tried to sell me on the stock options that were a part of the compensation, I remember saying, "That's fine, but let's talk about the salary range..."

Irony of all ironies, turns out this little start up did quite well for itself over the years. In January 2001 there were 17 employees in the New York office. Today, there are 2,112. The day job has kept me busy - and interested - as I've learned about operations and real estate over the years. It's been quite an opportunity!

And ten years from now? In 2021? Only God knows... :-)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Letters from Indonesia

19 August 2010
Dear Mama lg
How are you? I hope you're always healthy. I'm doing well too here. I'm in grade 10 High School now. I'll try to be the best in my new school and my new class. The happiest experience for me is know you in my life, Mama, because I learn a lot from you. I learn to always be close to God and to always do the best for both of my parents. I will always pray for your tasks and works, Mama. May God always guide you. love and prayer, Ally*

4 October 2010
Dear Mama lg
Peaceful greetings are for you and your family. Jesus always gives beautiful things to my family and me. The biggest problem for my family and me was the fire of our house which had burnt our belongings just like that. But behind the problem that my family and I have dealt, there's God's very beautiful plan. God wants my family and me to be closer with Him.
That's my entire letter for now. May God always be with you at work and with your duties. Warm regards are for you.
With love & prayers, Ally

22 January 2011
Dear Ally,
I am so happy always to receive your letter! Though I was surprised to read that for you and your family that your house has burned down! I am very thankful for your safety, and moreso, for your heart as you look to Jesus to give you all that you need. The Bible says, "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)
You are very wise to know that behind every event is God's beautiful plan. I will continue of course to pray for you, and your family, that your faith in He who loves you will grow and grow.
Thank you for your prayers for me, dear sister in Jesus.
With Love, lg

*Ally, not her real name, is a girl in Indonesia. Through Compassion, I've sponsored her for about 7 years, and we've written letters during that time.


Friends have recently been following a Cross Fit training program and other friends at church have said, "Oh I'd love to learn about Cross Fit too, can you help me?"

Long story short, and before I knew it, I asked to be included in the this little fitness group.
"I'm auditing," I said thinking this was a clever way to be involved without a firm commitment on my part.

Day One. I got the email describing the first workout, it was only about ten minutes! Oh gosh, thought I, no problem! So I did it. It took just under ten minutes actually, some short runs and some squats. Cool! Short & to the point. And the next day felt a little sore but not bad. Maybe - just maybe - I would finally have some sort of exercise in my life on a regular basis.

Day Two. The second day's workout, coming to me via email from my faithful friend, looked a bit more difficult. Sit ups and push ups and squats and the like.... Still only ten minutes, though, so I figured how hard could ten minutes be? Turns out, full sit ups (nope, no crunches) are difficult! The next day my stomach muscles were sore! But in my office "sit-at-a-desk, sit-in-meetings" job this wasn't a big deal.

Day Three. WOD (Workout Of the Day) email read "200 walking lunges" rather innocently. How hard could it really be after the onslaught of sit ups? I walk a lot around New York City, I'm pretty tough, thought I. Heck, I even used to dance, that all should help. I'll keep a good pretty form and that will help. The first 20 lunges felt great! At 60, my legs were starting to burn. At about lunge #114 I thought I was crazy. At #182 I lost track of all else and just was counting and moving, counting and moving. By the time I hit the goal - 200 - I stopped. And sat on the floor.

Day Four. No Workout today, it was a rest day.

Day Five. My boss was in NY from California. Going from one meeting to another together, we walked down flight of stairs. Or rather, he walked, and I hobbled. It was bad enough, I felt I needed to explain myself. "Sorry, I'll be right behind you, you see I started doing these little workouts...."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Without excuse or delay, and with apologies my Dear Reader, I'll simply pick up as old friends do, right where things are.*
And where things are, today, are at my kitchen table. As I go through the stack of mail I find the latest pamphlet from Dallas Theological Seminary. The article is entitled "Guarding our Sacred Trust" and more telling-ly sub-titled "10 Characteristics of a Biblical Communicator."

While all 10 Characteristics are worthwhile and thought-provoking, number 7 jumped out to me:
"Seventh, biblical communicators avoid in quarreling in unnecessary arguments. I want to be careful with what I say here because I am not talking about defending the truth and engaging in dialogue and debate with those who would distort the truth. ....
We who are married know that that we can say something to our spouse that may may be true, but it may not be loving in the way we say it. Likewise in our theological discussions, let's make it a matter of prayer before we get involved in a particular discussion or dispute."**

Similarly, as I was volunteering at the Chinese Missions Conference at the end of December, lessons to the children aged 7 - 11 had components of Ephesians 4:29 and Ephesians 4:15 (see below). Words are powerful things and the balance of truth in love is one worth the lifetime pursuit.

Ephesians 4:29 (nkjv)
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Ephesians 4:15 (nkjv)
but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ

*In 2011 I'll "free" myself from the requirement of including "walking" in the title of each entry. And hopefully will blog more frequently!!
**from article by Dr Mark L Bailey